On this page we inform you about news at ACER REMIT, explain the most important terms and answer questions about the ACER REMIT Reporting Directive.

17/04/2024 – ACER updates the REMIT Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942

ACER updates Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 with a view to improving the Union’s protection against market manipulation on the wholesale energy market.

Es gibt viele Neuerungen, die alle Marktteilnehmer betreffen.
Bis Ende 2024 sollen weitere Dokumente veröffentlicht werden. (ACER guidance, REMIT Reporting Regulation)


REGULATION (EU) 2024/1106 amending Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942

Open letter on the implications of the revision of Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on REMIT data reporting aspects and notification obligations

13.03.2024 – ACER updated REMIT guidance (TRUM) to improve reporting of LNG supply contracts and Power Purchase Agreements

ACER REMIT TRUM Update V6.0 Update

ACER has updated the Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) to enhance the reporting of ‘liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply contracts’ and ‘power purchase agreements (PPA)’.

Particularly noteworthy is the new Annex VIII, which is intended to expand the reporting of LNG supply contracts under REMIT:

Links to other changes:

  • Annex II V5.0
    New examples of spot-type LNG transactions and non-standard contracts
    Version comparison:V5.0-vs-V4.2
  • Annex IV V2.2
    Additional clarification on the reporting of the Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI) and Contract ID.
    Most important statement: “Both counterparts are responsible for the generating an identical UTI and Contract ID in their respective reports of the same trade.”
    Version comparison: V2.2-vs-V2.1
  • Annex VI V3.0
    Additional information on how to correctly report the Delivery point or zone: how to report EIC code of LNG terminal.
    NewEIC validator tool.
    Version comparison: V3.0-vs-V2.1

Additionally, the FAQs have been updated to include guidance on reporting transactions related to a local flexibility product and an explanation on reporting a gas transportation contract related to capacity conversion and capacity upgrade:

It is important to note that ACER has not yet published the technical documentation for REMITTable1 (XML schema for standard contracts) and REMITTable2 (XML schema for non-standard contracts). This means that technical implementation is not yet possible.

After publication, market participants are expected to implement the changes within 6 months.

We will inform you as soon as the updated documentation is available so that you have enough time to fulfil the new requirements.


Further information can be found on the ACER website:
REMIT Documents

12.03.2023 – ACER-CEER webinar: gas storage regulation

Gas Storage Regulation

On 12 March, ACER and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) held a webinar on :

  • present the results of a two-part consultancy study on the impact of the EU and national gas storage regulations
  • offer insights into the ongoing implementation of the EU gas storage Regulation

Reading materials


Consultancy study on the impact of the measures included in the EU and national gas storage regulations Part 1 and Part 2.

Watch the webinar recording

ACER’s latest REMIT Quarterly is out

The Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) provides an EU framework to ensure the transparency and integrity of energy markets and to deter market participants from manipulating the market. It also plays an important role in protecting the interests of businesses and consumers and ensuring confidence in energy markets.

The REMIT Quarterly is ACER’s main communication channel with stakeholders on REMIT-related issues. It provides updates on a quarterly basis.


an updated overview of the sanction decisions for the past year, with 364 REMIT cases under review at the moment;
a fine of €80,000 for non-timely disclosure of inside information relating to the French electricity market;
statistics for registered reporting mechanisms’ (RRMs’) contingency reports;
an assessment of trading on organised market places.
Access the 34th issue of REMIT Quarterly.

Access all issues of REMIT Quarterly.

15.12.2023 – Planned retirement of REMITTable1_V2 and GasCapacity_V1

  • Planned deactivation of GasCapacity_V1: 15 December 2023.
  • Planned deactivation of REMITTable1_V2: 15 January 2024.

05.12.2023 – 7th REMIT Forum: Improving integrity and transparency in wholesale energy markets

ACER is convening the 7th REMIT Forum to discuss the Regulation of Energy Market Integrity and Transparency.

The 2023 REMIT Forum delves into the anticipated alterations from the REMIT revision. During 2021 and 2022, various factors, including diminished gas supply and Russia’s actions towards Ukraine, caused a spike in European energy prices. The global economic rebound post-COVID-19 further intensified energy demand, pushing prices higher.

In light of these events, the European Commission introduced two legislative initiatives in March 2023:

  1. A revision to REMIT.
  2. An overhaul of electricity market design guidelines.

The proposed changes to REMIT seek to synchronize the regulation’s scope with the shifting market landscape. Notable modifications encompass:

  • Broadening data reporting to include new electricity balancing markets, joint markets, and automated trading.
  • Extending REMIT’s market abuse rules to cover wholesale energy products classified as financial instruments.
  • Overseeing entities like RRMs and PPATs.
  • Standardizing penalties across National Regulatory Authorities.
  • Bolstering collaboration between energy and financial regulators, ACER and ESMA, to ensure a solid regulatory structure for derivative wholesale energy products.
  • Amplifying ACER’s supervisory role over RRMs and IIPs to enhance inside information gathering and market clarity.
  • Elevating ACER’s role in intricate cross-border scenarios with a European context, fortifying market trustworthiness.
  • Indefinitely extending ACER’s authority concerning the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) price evaluation and benchmark.

7th REMIT Forum – REMIT II: Improving integrity and transparency in wholesale energy markets | www.acer.europa.eu

16.11.2023 – ACER-CEER webinar on evolving trends in the European gas market

On 16 November 2023, ACER and CEER are hosting a webinar to discuss the findings of the European gas market trends and price drivers report released on 24 October 2023.

The report provides an insight into recent European gas market developments and the steps taken towards a unified EU gas market. It delves into the causes behind the significant price surge in the summer of 2022 and emphasizes the impact of the Russian supply disruption on the EU gas market’s restructuring.

During the online session, ACER and CEER will:

  • Share the report’s key findings, including current market trends;
  • Engage with market participants about market adjustments;
  • Address questions from stakeholders.


ACER and CEER annually monitor the EU electricity and gas markets (known as Market Monitoring Reports (MMRs)). This ‘European gas market trends and price drivers’ report is a part of the gas MMR series.

Register here.

24.10.2023 – Market Monitoring Report of EU Gas Market 2023

On 24.10.2023, the annual report on the monitoring of the internal gas market in 2022 and 2023 was published. This ACER-CEER report provides an overview of the latest developments in European gas markets and examines the drivers of the gas price spikes in summer 2022.

What are the key findings and lessons?

The report highlights the lasting impact of the Russian supply shock on the EU energy market and the steps done to overcome the supply dependence. The EU’s integrated gas system has had to adapt in order to overcome the Russian supply shock. However, gas supply overall is still overall tight, exposing EU prices to unexpected developments.

Multiple factors will shape the future resilience of EU gas markets, including:

  • increased reliance on LNG;
  • reducing gas demand;
  • revenue redistribution; and
  • the role of underground storage.

European gas prices will be more exposed to global competition and hence will be more volatile. The reduction in conventional gas demand shall assist the EU’s decarbonisation goals. Yet, it needs to be done smoothly in order to preserve the economic activity and the security of supply that gas offers to the EU’s energy system.

2023 Market Monitoring Report

ACER’s interactive dashboard

FAQ: REMIT Reporting UK