Inside Information Platform
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13.03.2024 – ACER updates Transaction Reporting User Manual (TRUM) to v 6.0
On 02.10.2015 Webware Internet Solutions GmbH was the first German IT service provider to be added to the RRM list by ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators) and ElCom (Switzerland).
All fundamental data and transaction data messages have been certified and can be sent to ACER and ElCom via our RRM service.
Webware RRM ACER ID:
Webware RRM EIC:
New Excel spreadsheets designed for
allows you to report transaction and fundamental data and generate the ACER XML files.
Excel templates for other message types are provided if required.
REMIT Inside Information & Transparency Platform enables all European market participants to publish urgent market reports (UMM).
Link to portal:
Standard contracts
Non-standard contracts
Gas Capacity
Gas Nominations
Gas Transparency
Remit LNG
Remit Storage
Electricity Rights
Electricity Bids
Electricity Total Allocation
Electricity Nominations
Electricity Configuration
Electricity Generation Load
Electricity Outage
Electricity Publications
With Webware Registered Reporting Mechanisms (RRM) and Excel Reporting Tools you can create REMIT transaction and fundamental data and send it directly to ACER.