17.12.2024 – ACER updates its guidance documents to reflect changes from the revised REMIT Regulation

On 12.04.2024 new REMIT Regulation was published.

On 17.12.2024 ACER has updated:



What are the main updates?

  • TRUM and its Annexes: the amendments mainly focus on clarifying the definition of Organised Marketplaces (OMPs), outlining their criteria and characteristics. This update aligns TRUM with the revised REMIT and aims to create a consistent understanding to help market participants, regulators, and other stakeholders identify and assess OMPs.
  • Guidance on reporting LNG market data: the update aligns the legal references of the document with the revised REMIT, which now includes the collection of LNG market data for the publication of ACER’s daily LNG price assessment and benchmark.